Volunteer Examiners

HARC is lucky to have so many Extra and General Class license holders that serve as Volunteer Examiners. This allows the club to hold regular license testing sessions - usually just prior to our regular monthly business meeting. We conduct testing for Technician, General and Extra class licenses. The club is affiliated with the ARRL and follow the testing guidelines established by that organization. For successful candidates, call signs are usually returned within a day or so. Let us know when you are ready for your license test by sending an email here.
Volunteer Examiners (VEs) are US licensed Radio Amateurs holding a General Class license or higher, who offer their time to administer the FCC licensing exams through a FCC authorized Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) organization. The ARRL VEC is the largest VEC organization in the US. A team of three or more ARRL VEs are able to test candidates applying for a new license or upgrading an existing license.
Learn how you can become a VE associated with the ARRL VEC program by reviewing the Examiner Manual.

First Name | Last Name | Call Sign | License Class | VEC 1 | VEC 2 | VEC 3 | |
Logan | Heinzelman | KI5HXE | Extra | ||||
Johnny | Mckenzie | KG5YMI | Extra | Arrl | |||
Joseph | St Columbia, | N5MIG | Extra | n5mig@arrl.net | Arrl | ||
Charles | Stroud, | KD5BS | Extra | kd5bs@arrl.net | Arrl | Laurel |